What's the difference between RGB and CMYK?
CMYK is a four-color mode that utilizes the colors cyan, magenta, yellow and black in various amounts to create all of the necessary colors when printing images. It is mostly use for printing.
RGB is the color scheme that is most often associated with electronic displays, such as CRT, LCD monitors, digital cameras and scanners.
What file types do you accept?
To help as many people as possible, Rock Print accepts a range of different formats. These are: AI, PSD, JPEG, PDF.
Does Rock Print offer design services?
Yes, though its linked to our easy-to-use platform for larger businesses. If you're interested in learning more about our custom design packages, please contact Rock Print for Business.
If you have a small problem with your design and don’t have the tools or resources to amend it, our customer service team might be able to help out.
What are bleed, trim and safe area?
These sound like technical (even painful) terms, but they're actually quite simple:
This is the portion of your design that will be trimmed off when the card is cut to the final size. Its purpose is to make sure your design or image reaches right to the very edge of the cards, leaving no unsightly white edges.
If you're designing cards before you upload, you'll need to make your artwork 'Full Bleed' size to account for this. You'll find a list of 'Full Bleed' recommended sizes here, or we have a range of templates available for every product.
This is the final size of your cards, after the 'bleed' has been cut off.
Safe area
This is an area inside the 'Trim'. Being smaller than your final card, the safe area is kept well away from blades and cutting machines, and so this is where you should place your most important information or sections of your design. Anything outside of this area runs a risk of being cut off!
All sounding too complicated? We've put together a dedicated FAQ, which explains the 'bleed', 'trim' and ‘safe area’ more clearly. It also shows common mistakes and how to avoid them.
How to Outline Text in Adobe Illustrator?
Select all words, press Ctrl+Shift+O, to create outline